Haitian Flag Day Parade
Biographies of Karine Jean-Pierre and Ashley Louis
CHCDH (Haitian Coalition in Canada) Exposition
Buffalo mass shooting
We, members of AFAB, would like to express our sincerest condolences for the families of the victims – Aaron Salter, Jr., Ruth Whitfield, Katherine Massey, Pearl Young, Celestine Chaney, Heyward Patterson, Andre Mackneil, Geraldine Talley, Margus Morrison, and Roberta Drury- of the mass shooting at Buffalo, New York. We affirm that this was a horrific racially motivated attack.
Black Lives Matter!

Haitian Flag Day Parade (5/15)
Thousands marched from Blue Hill Avenue in Mattapan to Harambee Park in the Haitian Unity parade. Through the event, many Haitian churches, businesses, and schools were represented, all of which highlighted Haitian culture. Additionally, Boston city councilor Ruthzee Louijeune, one of the speakers, stated that “oppressed folks have to learn resiliency by force, but we’re still here and we’re still standing after everything that has been thrown our way. We have to cling to these moments of joy, because if not, then we’ll have nothing.”

Karine Jean-Pierre
Ms. Jean-Pierre is the current White House Press Secretary, and she is also the first black person and openly LGBTQ person to be Press Secretary. She received her MPA from the School of International and Political Affairs at Columbia University in 2003, where she served in the student government and decided to pursue politics. During the Barack Obama 2008 Presidential campaign, Jean-Pierre was the campaign’s southeast regional political director. She later served as National Deputy Battleground States Director for President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign. After holding many other positions, in May 2022, it was announced that Ms. Jean-Pierre would succeed Jen Psaki as White House Press Secretary.

Ashley Louis
Ms. Louis, the 20th Haitian Unity Parade Grand Marshal on May 15, 2022, operates the Forever Young Adult Day Health Center in Hyde Park. She attended Boston Latin High School and earned a degree from Syracuse University, along with many subsequent degrees. She has previously worked as a realtor, and she also is the owner of Healthy Home Care, a privately-owned home health care agency. She is currently married with five children.

Invitation de la CHCDH à une exposition du 20 mai au 22 mai et une conférence sur l’insécurité en Ayiti le 21 mai
Cela commence AUJOURD’HUI 20 mai!
La Coalition haïtienne au Canada contre la dictature en Ayiti vous invite à venir se joindre à elle pour dénoncer la terreur et l’insécurité qui sème le deuil dans les familles Ayitiennes dans le plus grand mutisme et l’indifférence.
Exposition de photos du vendredi 20 mai au dimanche 22 mai (chaque jour de 16:00 à 19:00)
Conférence le 21 mai de 17:00 à 19:30 avec les conférencières prenant la parole directement d’Ayiti: Rosy Auguste Ducena, avocate, responsable de programmes au Réseau National de Défense des Droits Humains (RNDDH) et Sabine Lamour, sociologue, coordonnatrice de l’organisation féministe Ayitienne Solidarité des femmes Ayitiennes (SOFA)
En présentiel: Centre Na Rive, 6971, rue Saint Denis, Montréal, Québec
En ligne: Participer à la réunion Zoom
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Additional Information and Job Postings |
Free Computer and Internet Adults who do not have access to a computer or internet to meet their educational needs can apply to the Boston Public Library’s Long-Term Device Lending Program. Residents would receive a free computer and internet access through an LTE enabled Home Wi-Fi Router. The data plan is free through June 2023. Then the user can keep the Chromebooks, and eligible residents can choose an internet service provider at a low cost. Job Postings: The Mayor’s Office of Food Justice is hiring a Director, Program Coordinator, and interns USPS is hiring Free Immigration Consultations The Mayor’s Office for Immigrant Advancement’s next Free Immigration Consultations are on May 18. Volunteer lawyers work with MOIA to offer free immigration consultations on the first and third Wednesday of every month from 12pm to 3pm. Appointments are by telephone, and interpretation and disability accommodations are available. To schedule an appointment, call (617) 635-2980 or email immigrantadvancement@boston.gov. Flyers in several languages for 2022 can be found here. |
Job opportunities at afab

330 FULLER STREET, DORCHESTER, MA 02124 P: 617-287-0096 F: 617-287-0170
Founded in 1988, Association of Haitian Women in Boston (AFAB) has a mission to empower Haitian women by helping them develop their individual and collective capacity to improve their social, economic and political status to effect positive changes. AFAB has developed an affordable housing project, KAFANM, which provides a community space where women and their families improve their lives through domestic violence prevention, adult education (ESL, Haitian Creole Literacy, and Financial Literacy) and youth empowerment programs.
Position: Office Support Worker
Reports to: Executive Director
General duties: The Office Support Worker is responsible for providing secretarial, clerical and administrative support in order to ensure that services are provided in an effective and efficient manner.
- Greet and assist people who come to the office
- Receive, direct and relay telephone and email messages
- Facilitate Zoom and Google meet sessions for English as a Second Language (ESL) and Haitian Creole literacy classes
- Attend the monthly Haitian Roundtable and other meetings related to the position
- Assist with all major annual events
- Clergy Breakfast (July)
- Domestic Violence Prevention Forum (October)
- AFAB Annual Celebration/ Fundraiser (October)
- Attend to clerical office support
- Produce quarterly newsletter
- Keep the office clean and orderly
- Perform other duties as required
- Fluency in Haitian Creole and English
- Familiarity with Haitian Culture
- Ability to follow directions
- Dedication to detail, accuracy
- Excellent customer service skills; pleasant telephone manner
- Excellent communication and organizational skills
- A clear understanding of purpose, goals, and objectives of AFAB
Please send resume, cover letter and, 3 references to:
Marjorie Jean-Pierre
Association of Haitian Women (AFAB)
330 Fuller Street
Dorchester MA 02124
Fax: (617) 287-0170

330 FULLER STREET, DORCHESTER, MA 02124 P: 617-287-0096 F: 617-287-0170
Job Description
Position: Family/Domestic Violence Prevention Advocate (40 hours/week in office)
Reports to: Domestic Violence Program Director
Position overview: The Family/DV Advocate will provide direct services to domestic violence victims including safety planning, advocacy and counseling. Help coordinate services and make appropriate referrals for victims to other human service providers. Work closely with governmental and non-governmental advocates. These direct services vary in level of intensity based on the needs of individuals being served.
- Conduct intake and assessment for victims
- Help victims navigate the court system and access services
- Provides linguistically and culturally appropriate advocacy
- Advise clients on legal rights, court procedures, safe living alternatives, and techniques of self-protection
- Conduct referrals on an as-needed basis to shelters, health centers, hospitals, Department of Transitional Assistance, housing, legal services, and other related human services. When necessary, serve as interpreter.
- Assist clients through the court system to include the securing of civil restraining orders and gaining custody rights. Insure that clients’ legal right are met
- Conduct three eight-week support group sessions per year for survivors of domestic violence
- File monthly report
- Attend the monthly Haitian Roundtable on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault meeting, and other meetings related to the position
- Participate actively in AFAB events
- Facilitate or co-facilitate workshops on domestic violence
- All other duties as assigned
- Fluency in Haitian Creole and English
- Familiarity with Haitian Culture
- Experience working with the legal system (i.e. filing out forms and advocating for clients)
- Bachelor degree or higher education
Please send resume, cover letter, 3 references to:
Marjorie Jean-Pierre
Association of Haitian Women (AFAB)
330 Fuller Street, Dorchester MA 02124
Fax: (617) 287-0170